Detox Toskana Bio-Olivenöl

Detox Diet in Tuscany / Italy

Due to bad nutri­tion, additi­ves in food, pollut­ants in the atmosphere and stress, toxic residues are accumu­la­ted in one’s body. They often reach a level that can no longer be elimi­na­ted by the respon­si­ble organs. This leads to sleep and metabo­lic disor­ders as well as diges­tive problems. Also mental and physi­cal symptoms of exhaus­tion may occur, from sagging skin to burnout. This is the right moment for a thorough detox diet in Italy.

Italy’s cuisine is the perfect detox diet

Use your holiday in Italy to give your body a break and detoxify it. This requi­res a natural diet, as we offer it at the Agritu­rismo Podere Palazzone. Indeed, we prepare seaso­nal vegeta­bles and salads, untrea­ted, without artifi­cial ferti­li­zers, from our own vegeta­ble garden. Self-catering guests can harvest their own vegeta­bles directly behind the holiday home. In our kitchen we use a variety of typical herbs from Tuscany. As a matter of fact, they stimu­late natural healing and the immune system. Obviously, we always cook fresh. Our winter preser­ves of course are naturally made without the use of preser­va­ti­ves. We also believe that a glass of good organic red wine goes wonderfully with a natural, healthy diet.

Olive Oil & Lemon liver detox

The perfect balm for your body is our organic extra virgin olive oil. Because it is extra­c­ted by first cold pressing, it conta­ins only the most valuable of the olive. Our organic olive oil has a vanis­hin­gly low acidity of just 0.03% and an extre­mely low peroxide value of only 0.6 meq O2/kg. This is the very highest quality level. After all, our olive oil has never encoun­te­red any chemis­try. Many dieti­ci­ans recom­mend a combi­na­tion of best olive oil and lemon to clean up the body. This detox diet is especi­ally benefi­cial to the liver, which is our most important inter­nal clean­ser. And it’s nice for the palate, too!

Detox Toskana Bio-Olivenöl Zitrone

Detox diet in Italy / Tuscany

A question of lifstyle

Due to bad nutri­tion, additi­ves in food, pollut­ants in the atmosphere and stress, toxic residues are accumu­la­ted in one’s body. They often reach a level that can no longer be elimi­na­ted by the respon­si­ble organs. This leads to sleep and metabo­lic disor­ders as well as diges­tive problems. Also mental and physi­cal symptoms of exhaus­tion may occur, from sagging skin to burnout. This is the right moment for a thorough detox diet in Italy.

Italy’s cuisine is the perfect detox diet

Use your holiday in Italy to give your body a break and detoxify it. This requi­res a natural diet, as we offer it at the Agritu­rismo Podere Palazzone. Indeed, we prepare seaso­nal vegeta­bles and salads, untrea­ted, without artifi­cial ferti­li­zers, from our own vegeta­ble garden. Self-catering guests can harvest their own vegeta­bles directly behind the holiday home. In our kitchen we use a variety of typical herbs from Tuscany. As a matter of fact, they stimu­late natural healing and the immune system. Obviously, we always cook fresh. Our winter preser­ves of course are naturally made without the use of preser­va­ti­ves. We also believe that a glass of good organic red wine goes wonderfully with a natural, healthy diet.

Liver detox diet with Olive Oil & Lemon

The perfect balm for your body is our organic extra virgin olive oil. Because it is extra­c­ted by first cold pressing, it conta­ins only the most valuable of the olive. Our organic olive oil has a vanis­hin­gly low acidity of just 0.03% and an extre­mely low peroxide value of only 0.6 meq O2/kg. This is the very highest quality level. After all, our olive oil has never encoun­te­red any chemis­try. Many dieti­ci­ans recom­mend a combi­na­tion of best olive oil and lemon to clean up the body. This detox diet is especi­ally benefi­cial to the liver, which is our most important inter­nal clean­ser. And it’s nice for the palate, too!