Festspiele Toskana San Gimignano Fahnen Kostüme

Festival in Tuscany / Italy

Tuscany is also the best place to attend a festi­val in Italy. Indeed, an expres­sion of the Tuscany’s Dolce Vita are the numerous medieval festi­vals and gastro­no­mic feasts, the Sagre. It doesn’t always have to be the crowded Palio of Siena, which of course also has its beautiful sides. There is also a great atmosphere on the much smaller, but all the more exciting Palio di Casole d’Elsa on a horse-friendly racing course. Obviously, embedded in the colourful specta­cle of the flag-wavers in medieval costu­mes that adorns almost any festi­val in Italy. A wonderful specta­cle of knights on horse­back is also the Giostra del Saracino in Arezzo.

Flag weavers & delicatessen

At the various Sagre dedica­ted to good food, you can mingle with the locals and taste local special­ties. In Tuscany we go for them especi­ally in autumn, after the harvest has come in. Terri­ciola celebra­tes its Sagra della Lepre e del Cinghiale in October. While in Castel­nuovo Val Di Cecina people meet for the Festa della Casta­gna. Volterra pays homage to the white truffle in Novem­ber at the Volter­ra­gusto. Best beef steak is the focus of the Sagra della Bistecca in the mountain village of Montieri. A few hills further, at the Sagra del Ciambel­lino in Micciano, every­thing revol­ves around these typical little ring cakes of our region. San Miniato comes up with a special festi­val dedica­ted to Pizza.

Fish and seafood lovers can enjoy the sea and its specia­li­ties at the Festa del Pesce in Castig­li­oncello or at the Sagra del Polpo in San Vincenzo.

Folklore and Theatre

In July, the funky Mercan­tia Festi­val trans­forms the already charming town of Certaldo into a magical world of street theatre. Further­more, a rebirth of knights, archers and servants happens at the Medieval Festi­val AD 1393 in Volterra during the month of August. Also in Volterra, life starts only after dark during the Notte Bianca and the Notte Rossa. Then all the palazzi, theaters, monuments, and museums are open to the public. Cultu­ral, musical, and gastro­no­mic events are held throug­hout the night. Finally, in Septem­ber, the torches of the Luminaraproces­sion, which goes through the streets and squares of Lucca, create a mystic atmosphere.

Again, during the month of Septem­ber, the Rioni of Pomarance compete in friendly rivalry in a theatre festi­val. In addition, every Wednes­day evening in summer, the Cena Itiner­ante is celebra­ted filling up the alleys of the centro storico. This is a “dinner walk”, where typical special­ties are served in market stalls, music and dance included. A highlight of the summer season in Pomarance is the Divino Calice wine festival.

We will be happy giving you a few sugges­ti­ons for the best festi­val to attend during your stay at our Agritu­rismo Podere Palazzone.

Festspiele Toskana San Gimignano Fahnen Kostüme

Festival in Tuscany / Italy

Flag wavers and culinary delights

Tuscany is also the best place to attend a festi­val in Italy. Indeed, an expres­sion of the Tuscany’s Dolce Vita are the numerous medieval festi­vals and gastro­no­mic feasts, the Sagre. It doesn’t always have to be the crowded Palio of Siena, which of course also has its beautiful sides. There is also a great atmosphere on the much smaller, but all the more exciting Palio di Casole d’Elsa on a horse-friendly racing course. Obviously, embedded in the colourful specta­cle of the flag-wavers in medieval costu­mes that adorns almost any festi­val in Italy. A wonderful specta­cle of knights on horse­back is also the Giostra del Saracino in Arezzo.

At the various Sagre dedica­ted to good food, you can mingle with the locals and taste local special­ties. In Tuscany we go for them especi­ally in autumn, after the harvest has come in. Terri­ciola celebra­tes its Sagra della Lepre e del Cinghiale in October. While in Castel­nuovo Val Di Cecina people meet for the Festa della Casta­gna. Volterra pays homage to the white truffle in Novem­ber at the Volter­ra­gusto. Best beef steak is the focus of the Sagra della Bistecca in the mountain village of Montieri. A few hills further, at the Sagra del Ciambel­lino in Micciano, every­thing revol­ves around these typical little ring cakes of our region. San Miniato comes up with a special festi­val dedica­ted to Pizza.

Fish and seafood lovers can enjoy the sea and its specia­li­ties at the Festa del Pesce in Castig­li­oncello or at the Sagra del Polpo in San Vincenzo.

Folklore and theatre

In July, the funky Mercan­tia Festi­val trans­forms the already charming town of Certaldo into a magical world of street theatre. Further­more, a rebirth of knights, archers and servants happens at the Medieval Festi­val AD 1393 in Volterra during the month of August. Also in Volterra, life starts only after dark during the Notte Bianca and the Notte Rossa. Then all the palazzi, theaters, monuments, and museums are open to the public. Cultu­ral, musical, and gastro­no­mic events are held throug­hout the night. Finally, in Septem­ber, the torches of the Luminaraproces­sion, which goes through the streets and squares of Lucca, create a mystic atmosphere.

Again, during the month of Septem­ber, the Rioni of Pomarance compete in friendly rivalry in a theatre festi­val. In addition, every Wednes­day evening in summer, the Cena Itiner­ante is celebra­ted filling up the alleys of the centro storico. This is a “dinner walk”, where typical special­ties are served in market stalls, music and dance included. A highlight of the summer season in Pomarance is the Divino Calice wine festival.

We will be happy giving you a few sugges­ti­ons for the best festi­val to attend during your stay at our Agritu­rismo Podere Palazzone.