Yoga Toskana buddhistische Gebetsfahnen

Yoga in Tuscany / Italy

What better way to start a day in Italy than concen­t­ra­ting on your body and mind in a yoga session? That is to say, setting up a favoura­ble connec­tion with your body and a positive mindset? Actually, you can do that anywhere. But in the environ­ment of the Podere Palazzone holiday home, it’s more inviting and easier.

The gentle Tuscan hills, their light effects, their pleasant tempe­ra­ture, and the fresh air inevi­ta­bly awaken positive energy. Ideal condi­ti­ons for a yoga session. In summer, our guests enjoy this very indivi­du­ally, often during the fresh morning hours. Or they end their day with it, at the edge of the infinity pool in front of a magni­fi­cent sunset. On the other hand, a nice spot for Yoginis to train their body control is downhill on the river­bank. Frankly, every season is suita­ble and brings the right atmosphere with it. Of course, small yoga groups of all ages are very welcome at our Agritu­rismo between Siena and the beach.

Meditation in Tuscany / Italy

If you like to withdraw in indivi­dual medita­tion during your stay in Tuscany, the holiday home Podere Palazzone is a good choice. Because in front of the endless panorama that opens up at the edge of our park, you immedia­tely feel one with the overwhel­ming nature. As part of this great­ness, it is easy to free yours­elf from the shack­les and problems of your daily life and to reach your inner I. You can practice concen­tra­tion by focusing on small, humble details of nature. Undoub­tedly, you will disco­ver great things and feel how mindful­ness grows in you.

We can show you peaceful spots around our Agritu­rismo, where you can develop concen­tra­tion and special inside. Our lotus pond, for example, is a popular place for this. A visit to the nearby Tibetan Buddhism Centre Lama Tzong-Khapa can also be very interes­t­ing and highly inspiring.

Yoga Toskana buddhistische Gebetsfahnen

Yoga in Tuscany / Italy

Yoga in Tuscany, the way you like it

What better way to start a day in Italy than concen­t­ra­ting on your body and mind in a yoga session? Setting up a favoura­ble connec­tion with your body and a positive mindset? Actually, you can do that anywhere. But in the environ­ment of the Podere Palazzone holiday home, it’s more inviting and easier.

The gentle Tuscan hills, their light effects, their pleasant tempe­ra­ture, and the fresh air inevi­ta­bly awaken positive energy. Ideal condi­ti­ons for a yoga session. In summer, our guests enjoy this very indivi­du­ally, often during the fresh morning hours. Or they end their day with it, at the edge of the infinity pool in front of a magni­fi­cent sunset. On the other hand, a nice spot for Yoginis to train their body control is downhill on the river­bank. Frankly, every season is suita­ble and brings the right atmosphere with it. Of course, small yoga groups of all ages are very welcome at our Agritu­rismo between Siena and the beach.

Your place of meditation in Italy

If you like to withdraw in indivi­dual medita­tion during your stay in Tuscany, the holiday home Podere Palazzone is a good choice. Because in front of the endless panorama that opens up at the edge of our park, you immedia­tely feel one with the overwhel­ming nature. As part of this great­ness, it is easy to free yours­elf from the shack­les and problems of your daily life and to reach your inner I. You can practice concen­tra­tion by focusing on small, humble details of nature. Undoub­tedly, you will disco­ver great things and feel how mindful­ness grows in you.

We can show you peaceful spots around our Agritu­rismo, where you can develop concen­tra­tion and special inside. Our lotus pond, for example, is a popular place for this. A visit to the nearby Tibetan Buddhism Centre Lama Tzong-Khapa can also be very interes­t­ing and highly inspiring.