Therme Toskana warmes Wasser Saturnia

Hot Springs & SPA in Tuscany / Italy

Health through water, better known as SPA from the Latin salus per aquam, is one of the most popular forms of wellness in Tuscany. Our region, in parti­cu­lar the Valle del Diavolo, which stret­ches from Volterra to the sea, is blessed with numerous hot springs. Already 2500 years ago, undeni­ably, the Etruscans knew about their health-giving proper­ties. As a matter of fact, 20 km from the holiday home Podere Palazzone, they built the thermal baths complesso etrusco sacro-termale di Bagnone. They were already mentio­ned in Roman times as Aquas Volaternas on the Tabula Peutin­ge­riana, the oldest road map in the world.

Every spa in Tuscany conta­ins sulphur, which is an important compo­nent of the human body. It must be absor­bed from the outside. There­fore, when resting in hot springs, the hydro­gen sulphide of the water migra­tes into the blood the blood and is trans­por­ted to the places where it is needed. This relie­ves muscu­los­ke­le­tal disor­ders, rheuma­tic disea­ses, and muscle pain.

Spa with comfort wellness

Tuscany has develo­ped a spa and bathing culture that is second to none. Small thermal baths or Spa facili­ties with luxurious services are there for you. Offers include fango, massage, and the whole range of anti-aging and beauty treat­ments. For enjoy­ing this, you can go to numerous well-known thermal resorts around our holiday home. Such as, Casciana Terme or the Calida­rio Terme Etrusche in Ventu­rina. Everyone will find a suita­ble wellness facility here in Tuscany.

Hot springs in the wild of Itlay

Bathing in freely acces­si­ble, natural hot springs in Italy is something very special. For example, in the basins of Satur­nia, the Bagni di San Filippo or the Terme di Petriolo. It may be even more parti­cu­lar simply laying down in one of the hot springs in the middle of the forest around the holiday home Podere Palazzone. This is where the rural popula­tion of Tuscany used to go to get their tired bodies back into shape. But, also the noble Lorenzo de Medici came for revita­liza­tion to our area and his wife Clarice Orsini took her beauty baths just 10 km from our Agriturismo.

Bathing in hot springs is proba­bly the most natural and most antique way to do your body good. The famous idea of a “fountain of youth”, whose water bestows healing, rejuve­na­tion, and even eternal youth, is no coinci­dence. Because at a time when modern medicine did not yet exist, warm sulphur baths were the healing method par excellence.

Why are hot springs beneficial?

First, the warmth of the water causes the blood vessels to dilate and the heart­beat to increase. As a result, the amount of blood flowing through the vessels increa­ses and the muscles throug­hout the body relax. Second, the metabo­lism is boosted leading to an impro­ved purifi­ca­tion. The level of blood circu­la­tion in the skin rises, so that the connec­tive tissue becomes more elastic. There­fore, more oxygen and minerals can be absor­bed from the outside.

How does the sulphur get into the spa water?

In deep layers of the earth, water is heated by the earth’s core. On its way to the surface, it dissol­ves the sulphur from the minerals in the earth’s crust. That’s why the hot springs in Tuscany with its high sulphur content is parti­cu­larly valuable.

Do we depend on sulphur supply from outside?

Absolut­ely yes. Sulphur is an essen­tial element. It ranks seventh among the building materi­als of our body and must be supplied from the outside. Although the sulphur content in the body is only 0.25%, it is 40 times higher than, for example, the much-noticed iron. Above all, however, sulphur is an important compo­nent of many amino acids that make up our prote­ins. Thus, it gives struc­ture to the cells. It also acts as a molecu­lar “lorry” that trans­ports substances. In addition, sulphur cataly­ses chemi­cal reactions and recog­ni­ses cellu­lar messen­gers. When bathing in hot springs, the sulphur passes through the skin into the blood in the form of hydro­gen sulphide. This is how it finally reaches the places where it is needed.

How does sulphur help our body?

Throug­hout the muscu­los­ke­le­tal system, sulphur inhibits joint inflamm­a­tion and helps rebuild joint carti­lage. Sulphur baths are there­fore parti­cu­larly popular with people with degene­ra­tive joint and spinal disea­ses. It combats disc problems, rheuma­tic disea­ses, arthri­tis, and muscle pain. At the same time, sulphur promo­tes healthy, elastic skin and tightens the connec­tive tissue. There­fore, it is not only of medical benefit, but has also the well-known aesthe­tic anti-aging effect. In addition, sulphur plays a key role in the defence against bacte­ria and viruses. This works via the trace element selenium. In order to work properly, selenium in turn depends on sulphur, because it needs a sulphur-contai­ning amino acid for its trans­port. There­fore, a sulphur bath is also helpful to the defen­sive function of our immune system. Last but not least, sulphur binds toxins that have accumu­la­ted in the body, such as nicotine and alcohol, and ensures that they are elimi­na­ted. It works against free radicals and reduces harmful chole­ste­rol in the blood.

Therme Toskana warmes Wasser Saturnia

Hot Springs & Spa in Tuscany / Italy

Salus Per Aquam

Health through water, better known as SPA from the Latin salus per aquam, is one of the most popular forms of wellness in Tuscany. Our region, in parti­cu­lar the Valle del Diavolo, which stret­ches from Volterra to the sea, is blessed with numerous hot springs. Already 2500 years ago, undeni­ably, the Etruscans knew about their health-giving proper­ties. As a matter of fact, 20 km from the holiday home Podere Palazzone, they built the thermal baths complesso etrusco sacro-termale di Bagnone. They were already mentio­ned in Roman times as Aquas Volaternas on the Tabula Peutin­ge­riana, the oldest road map in the world.

Every spa in Tuscany conta­ins sulphur, which is an important compo­nent of the human body. It must be absor­bed from the outside. There­fore, when resting in hot springs, the hydro­gen sulphide of the water migra­tes into the blood the blood and is trans­por­ted to the places where it is needed. This relie­ves muscu­los­ke­le­tal disor­ders, rheuma­tic disea­ses, and muscle pain.

Spa with comfort wellness

Tuscany has develo­ped a spa and bathing culture that is second to none. Small thermal baths or Spa facili­ties with luxurious services are there for you. Offers include fango, massage, and the whole range of anti-aging and beauty treat­ments. For enjoy­ing this, you can go to numerous well-known thermal resorts around our holiday home. Such as, Casciana Terme or the Calida­rio Terme Etrusche in Ventu­rina. Everyone will find a suita­ble wellness facility here in Tuscany.

Hot springs in the wild of Italy

Bathing in freely acces­si­ble, natural hot springs in Italy is something very special. For example, in the basins of Satur­nia, the Bagni di San Filippo or the Terme di Petriolo. It may be even more parti­cu­lar simply laying down in one of the hot springs in the middle of the forest around the holiday home Podere Palazzone. This is where the rural popula­tion of Tuscany used to go to get their tired bodies back into shape. But, also the noble Lorenzo de Medici came for revita­liza­tion to our area and his wife Clarice Orsini took her beauty baths just 10 km from our Agriturismo.

-   Sulphur hot springs: The Fountain of Youth -

Bathing in hot springs is proba­bly the most natural and most antique way to do your body good. The famous idea of a “fountain of youth”, whose water bestows healing, rejuve­na­tion, and even eternal youth, is no coinci­dence. Because at a time when modern medicine did not yet exist, warm sulphur baths were the healing method par excellence.

Why are hot springs beneficial?

First, the warmth of the water causes the blood vessels to dilate and the heart­beat to increase. As a result, the amount of blood flowing through the vessels increa­ses and the muscles throug­hout the body relax. Second, the metabo­lism is boosted leading to an impro­ved purifi­ca­tion. The level of blood circu­la­tion in the skin rises, so that the connec­tive tissue becomes more elastic. There­fore, more oxygen and minerals can be absor­bed from the outside.

How does the sulphur get into the spa water?

In deep layers of the earth, water is heated by the earth’s core. On its way to the surface, it dissol­ves the sulphur from the minerals in the earth’s crust. That’s why the hot springs in Tuscany with its high sulphur content is parti­cu­larly valuable.

Do we depend on sulphur supply from outside?

Absolut­ely yes. Sulphur is an essen­tial element. It ranks seventh among the building materi­als of our body and must be supplied from the outside. Although the sulphur content in the body is only 0.25%, it is 40 times higher than, for example, the much-noticed iron. Above all, however, sulphur is an important compo­nent of many amino acids that make up our prote­ins. Thus, it gives struc­ture to the cells. It also acts as a molecu­lar “lorry” that trans­ports substances. In addition, sulphur cataly­ses chemi­cal reactions and recog­ni­ses cellu­lar messen­gers. When bathing in hot springs, the sulphur passes through the skin into the blood in the form of hydro­gen sulphide. This is how it finally reaches the places where it is needed.

How does sulphur help our body?

Throug­hout the muscu­los­ke­le­tal system, sulphur inhibits joint inflamm­a­tion and helps rebuild joint carti­lage. Sulphur baths are there­fore parti­cu­larly popular with people with degene­ra­tive joint and spinal disea­ses. It combats disc problems, rheuma­tic disea­ses, arthri­tis, and muscle pain. At the same time, sulphur promo­tes healthy, elastic skin and tightens the connec­tive tissue. There­fore, it is not only of medical benefit, but has also the well-known aesthe­tic anti-aging effect. In addition, sulphur plays a key role in the defence against bacte­ria and viruses. This works via the trace element selenium. In order to work properly, selenium in turn depends on sulphur, because it needs a sulphur-contai­ning amino acid for its trans­port. There­fore, a sulphur bath is also helpful to the defen­sive function of our immune system. Last but not least, sulphur binds toxins that have accumu­la­ted in the body, such as nicotine and alcohol, and ensures that they are elimi­na­ted. It works against free radicals and reduces harmful chole­ste­rol in the blood.