Reiterferien Toskana Hannoveraner Pferd

Riding Hanoverians in Tuscany

Our holiday home Podere Palazzone is also a horse stable. Ideal for anyone seeking for riding vacation in Tuscany. Here we breed Hanover­ian horses. As a matter of fact, Hanover­ian horses are charac­te­ri­zed by a clear focus on equestrian sport at the highest level. That is why almost no inter­na­tio­nal show jumping, dressage or eventing compe­ti­tion ends without a Hanover­ian on the winner’s podium. In addition to sports perfor­mance, in breeding same atten­tion is paid to a balan­ced charac­ter, high ridea­bi­lity and harmo­nious confor­ma­tion. What parti­cu­larly excites every rider, is the quality of their movements. Because, no matter what disci­pline they are aimed for, Hanover­ian horses always have an above-average quality of movements. To make it simple: On a Hanover­ian horse you sit better. Indeed, the swinging of the horse’s back and the momen­tum from the active hindquar­ters are pure art.

Riding holidays in Tuscany

Hanover­ian horses outshine with their inter­nal and exter­nal quali­ties, which one surely appre­cia­tes during riding holidays in Tuscany. Disco­ver them on a ride out through authen­tic Tuscany, between hills, viney­ards, rivers and forests. Enjoy Athle­ti­cism, ridea­bi­lity, surefoo­ted­ness, serenity and calm that make any rider’s heart beat faster. At the same time, our horses are happy to let you canter over fields and meadows. They master an encoun­ter with a wild boar just as easily as swimming in the river. On one hand, the cause for such serene charac­ter is their genetic predis­po­si­tion. On the other hand, it is our stress-free, horse-friendly way of handling them. Indeed, all training is made inhouse at our horse farm. Our educa­tion is based on the crite­ria of classi­cal training as practi­ced in the Hanover­ian school system. In addition, we rely on inten­sive ground­work, which we have taken over from Western riding. The foals bred at our horse stable, grow up outdoors in a herd of about 15 horses. They have pasture land with olive groves and forest around our riding stables at free dispo­sal 365 days a year.

Best genetics for riding in Tuscany

The Podere Palazzone riding stables since autumn 2011, has been the first and only horse stable outside Germany to be appro­ved for the Hanover­ian Association’s “Experience Hanover­i­ans” program. Our jumping breeding line at our equestrian farm is based on brood­ma­res with the precious genes of the stalli­ons Grannus and Pilot. For mating we use stalli­ons statio­ned in Germany. These are for example the juming horses Catoki, Canstakko, Clinton I and Clinton II. The origin of our dressage line is the stallion Lauries Crusa­dor xx. He is the founder of a line of successful dressage horses and Hanover­ian Stallion of the Year 2007. We have bred this line to movement artists such as Don Freder­ico, De Niro and Lord Loxley.

Reiterferien Toskana Hannoveraner Pferd

Riding Hanoverian horses in Tuscany

Riding stables in Tuscany

Our holiday home Podere Palazzone is also a horse stable. Ideal for anyone seeking for riding vacation in Tuscany. Here we breed Hanover­ian horses. As a matter of fact, Hanover­ian horses are charac­te­ri­zed by a clear focus on equestrian sport at the highest level. That is why almost no inter­na­tio­nal show jumping, dressage or eventing compe­ti­tion ends without a Hanover­ian on the winner’s podium. In addition to sports perfor­mance, in breeding same atten­tion is paid to a balan­ced charac­ter, high ridea­bi­lity and harmo­nious confor­ma­tion. What parti­cu­larly excites every rider, is the quality of their movements. Because, no matter what disci­pline they are aimed for, Hanover­ian horses always have an above-average quality of movements. To make it simple: On a Hanover­ian horse you sit better. Indeed, the swinging of the horse’s back and the momen­tum from the active hindquar­ters are pure art.

Riding holidays in Tuscany

Hanover­ian horses outshine with their inter­nal and exter­nal quali­ties, which one surely appre­cia­tes during riding holidays in Tuscany. Disco­ver them on a ride out through authen­tic Tuscany, between hills, viney­ards, rivers and forests. Enjoy Athle­ti­cism, ridea­bi­lity, surefoo­ted­ness, serenity and calm that make any rider’s heart beat faster. At the same time, our horses are happy to let you canter over fields and meadows. They master an encoun­ter with a wild boar just as easily as swimming in the river. On one hand, the cause for such serene charac­ter is their genetic predis­po­si­tion. On the other hand, it is our stress-free, horse-friendly way of handling them. Indeed, all training is made inhouse at our horse farm. Our educa­tion is based on the crite­ria of classi­cal training as practi­ced in the Hanover­ian school system. In addition, we rely on inten­sive ground­work, which we have taken over from Western riding. The foals bred at our horse stable, grow up outdoors in a herd of about 15 horses. They have pasture land with olive groves and forest around our riding stables at free dispo­sal 365 days a year.

Best genetics for riding in Tuscany

The Podere Palazzone riding stables since autumn 2011, has been the first and only horse stable outside Germany to be appro­ved for the Hanover­ian Association’s “Experience Hanover­i­ans” program. Our jumping breeding line at our equestrian farm is based on brood­ma­res with the precious genes of the stalli­ons Grannus and Pilot. For mating we use stalli­ons statio­ned in Germany. These are for example the juming horses Catoki, Canstakko, Clinton I and Clinton II. The origin of our dressage line is the stallion Lauries Crusa­dor xx. He is the founder of a line of successful dressage horses and Hanover­ian Stallion of the Year 2007. We have bred this line to movement artists such as Don Freder­ico, De Niro and Lord Loxley.