Bio Gemüse Toskana Italien Tomaten vom Ferienhaus

Organic fruit & vegetables in Tuscany

The vegeta­ble garden is right next to the Agritu­rismo Podere Palazzone holiday home. It provi­des our restaurant with healthy, fresh organic vegeta­bles. Here, too, we do not use chemi­cal ferti­li­sers. The first to ripen are the zucchini, follo­wed by cucum­bers, leeks, celery, chard, auber­gi­nes and peppers. In autumn we harvest beetroot and cardi. Further­more, various types of lettuce are available throug­hout the season. A typical vegeta­ble of Tuscany is the artichoke, whose nice blue flowers have the beauty of an ornamen­tal plant. The same goes for the pretty flowers of capers, which we keep in pots. Self-caterers at our holiday home are welcome to pick organic vegeta­bles from our garden. You can’t eat more healthy and more local.

Nothing beats Italian Tomatoes

Do you still remem­ber the taste of genuine tomatoes, picked when they are really ripe, red, juicy, aroma­tic and with the typical smell of grass and wet earth? At our Agritu­rismo we grow diffe­rent varie­ties of organic tomatoes. For example, the pomodoro rosso canest­rino di Lucca for salads or a light caprese. Also, the pomodoro cilie­gino pachino for a fresh pasta al sugo crudo. Instead, the pomodoro datte­rino is great for a healthy snack. Then, in August we cook our much coveted, absolut­ely natural Pomarola. Tomatoes, olive oil, basil, some onion and… a little secret from grandma. This sugo is made of pomodoro San Marzano and pomodoro Rio Grande. In addition, we prepare Peperon­cino Pestos of diffe­rent degrees of spici­ness using diffe­rent types of Mediter­ra­nean peppers. Try them to find our your perso­nal peperon­cino enjoy­ment limit.

Bio Gemüse Toskana Italien Gemüsegarten beim Ferienhaus

Delicious organic fruit

At first, with the warmth of spring, the specta­cu­lar almond blossom begins, follo­wed by the cherry and the apricot blossom. Our apricots are just gorge­ous, juicy and parti­cu­larly intense in flavour. We eat them straight from the tree or process them into apricot mousse and delicious jams. Twice a year, fig trees provide us with the most flavourful of all figs, the fico bianco. Irresis­ti­ble when they picked at the perfect stage of ripen­ess and their flesh shines dark red. Not to mention when they are accom­pa­nied with medium-aged pecorini or prosci­utto crudo Toscano. However, the best way to enjoy the fico bianco is eating it directly from the branch. Finally, autumn concludes the fruit season with lovely pomegranates.

Our garden is the nature of Tuscany

The vegeta­ble garden extends far beyond the borders of Agritu­rismo Podere Palazzone. We know the corners where nature grows delica­cies that only need to be picked up. On the one hand, there are the black­ber­ries, on the other hand typical Mediter­ra­nean berries such as corbez­zolo and mirto. We use them a lot to make jams and liqueurs. In autumn we pick mushrooms under old holm oaks, where mainly chanter­el­les sprout. In spring we go in search of the parti­cu­larly tasty wild aspara­gus. They are fanta­stic just blanched, seaso­ned with a few drops of organic olive oil and served with crispy white bread. This is the kick-off to a new vegeta­ble season in Tuscany.

Bio Gemüse Toskana Italien frische Tomaten

Organic fruit & vegetables in Tuscany

Organic vegetables for self-harvest

The vegeta­ble garden is right next to the Agritu­rismo Podere Palazzone holiday home. It provi­des our restaurant with healthy, fresh organic vegeta­bles. Here, too, we do not use chemi­cal ferti­li­sers. The first to ripen are the zucchini, follo­wed by cucum­bers, leeks, celery, chard, auber­gi­nes and peppers. In autumn we harvest beetroot and cardi. Further­more, various types of lettuce are available throug­hout the season. A typical vegeta­ble of Tuscany is the artichoke, whose nice blue flowers have the beauty of an ornamen­tal plant. The same goes for the pretty flowers of capers, which we keep in pots. Self-caterers at our holiday home are welcome to pick organic vegeta­bles from our garden. You can’t eat more healthy and more local.

Nothing beats Italian tomatoes

Do you still remem­ber the taste of genuine tomatoes, picked when they are really ripe, red, juicy, aroma­tic and with the typical smell of grass and wet earth? At our Agritu­rismo we grow diffe­rent varie­ties of organic tomatoes. For example, the pomodoro rosso canest­rino di Lucca for salads or a light caprese. Also, the pomodoro cilie­gino pachino for a fresh pasta al sugo crudo. Instead, the pomodoro datte­rino is great for a healthy snack. Then, in August we cook our much coveted, absolut­ely natural Pomarola. Tomatoes, olive oil, basil, some onion and… a little secret from grandma. This sugo is made of pomodoro San Marzano and pomodoro Rio Grande. In addition, we prepare Peperon­cino Pestos of diffe­rent degrees of spici­ness using diffe­rent types of Mediter­ra­nean peppers. Try them to find our your perso­nal peperon­cino enjoy­ment limit.

Delicious organic fruit

At first, with the warmth of spring, the specta­cu­lar almond blossom begins, follo­wed by the cherry and the apricot blossom. Our apricots are just gorge­ous, juicy and parti­cu­larly intense in flavour. We eat them straight from the tree or process them into apricot mousse and delicious jams. Twice a year, fig trees provide us with the most flavourful of all figs, the fico bianco. Irresis­ti­ble when they picked at the perfect stage of ripen­ess and their flesh shines dark red. Not to mention when they are accom­pa­nied with medium-aged pecorini or prosci­utto crudo Toscano. However, the best way to enjoy the fico bianco is eating it directly from the branch. Finally, autumn concludes the fruit season with lovely pomegranates.

Our garden is the nature of Tuscany

The vegeta­ble garden extends far beyond the borders of Agritu­rismo Podere Palazzone. We know the corners where nature grows delica­cies that only need to be picked up. On the one hand, there are the black­ber­ries, on the other hand typical Mediter­ra­nean berries such as corbez­zolo and mirto. We use them a lot to make jams and liqueurs. In autumn we pick mushrooms under old holm oaks, where mainly chanter­el­les sprout. In spring we go in search of the parti­cu­larly tasty wild aspara­gus. They are fanta­stic just blanched, seaso­ned with a few drops of organic olive oil and served with crispy white bread. This is the kick-off to a new vegeta­ble season in Tuscany.