Bio Eier Toskana Italien Ente auf Bauernhof

Farm in Tuscany with happy chickens

Our farm in Tuscany is home to a small group of hard-working free-range chickens and ducks. At Podere Palazzone they live a happy life, as if they were on holiday in Tuscany. This is why we can enjoy their eggs from the bottom of our hearts. Indeed, these organic eggs are natural, healthy and, depen­ding on the season, in XXL format. Above all, they are delicious. The chickens and ducks come from our own rearing. Just a few days after hatching, the chicks are put together in a separa­ted coop together with adult hens that teach them all about chicken-life. After­wards, our olive grove, the viney­ard and the forest are at their free disposal.

Free-range chickens in Tuscany

On our farm, we have crossed the typical gallina rossa of Tuscany with Bresse cocke­rels from France. As a result, we have quite a colourful herd. The imposing Bresse rooster, unques­tio­ned proud master of his herd, keeps order. Apart from crowing, prancing around and showing off, he doesn’t really do much. But in the evening, he wouldn’t go to sleep unless having previously herded all his hens in the coop, knowing they are safe. It takes a little leisure and the right attitude to sit with the chickens and observe their natural behaviours. Highly interesting!

Ducks in the pond

Also, white ducks and a group of colourful mallards are hosted at our farm in Tuscany. Their males are grey feathe­red with the typical metal­lic green head. Females are slightly smaller and have mottled brown plumage. Striking blue, black, and white wing feathers adorn their wings. Obviously, all the ducks live freely around a pond, which can be seen from the pool at the edge of our park. By the way, fresh duck eggs are a delicacy, slightly larger than chicken eggs and above all very tasty.

Bio Eier Toskana Ente auf Bauernhof beim Ferienhaus

Farm in Tuscany with happy chickens

Organic eggs

Our farm in Tuscany is home to a small group of hard-working free-range chickens and ducks. At Podere Palazzone they live a happy life, as if they were on holiday in Tuscany. This is why we can enjoy their eggs from the bottom of our hearts. Indeed, these organic eggs are natural, healthy and, depen­ding on the season, in XXL format. Above all, they are delicious. The chickens and ducks come from our own rearing. Just a few days after hatching, the chicks are put together in a separa­ted coop together with adult hens that teach them all about chicken-life. After­wards, our olive grove, the viney­ard and the forest are at their free disposal.

Free range chickens in Tuscany

On our farm, we have crossed the typical gallina rossa of Tuscany with Bresse cocke­rels from France. As a result, we have quite a colourful herd. The imposing Bresse rooster, unques­tio­ned proud master of his herd, keeps order. Apart from crowing, prancing around and showing off, he doesn’t really do much. But in the evening, he wouldn’t go to sleep unless having previously herded all his hens in the coop, knowing they are safe. It takes a little leisure and the right attitude to sit with the chickens and observe their natural behaviours. Highly interesting!

Ducks in the pond

Also, white ducks and a group of colourful mallards are hosted at our farm in Tuscany. Their males are grey feathe­red with the typical metal­lic green head. Females are slightly smaller and have mottled brown plumage. Striking blue, black, and white wing feathers adorn their wings. Obviously, all the ducks live freely around a pond, which can be seen from the pool at the edge of our park. By the way, fresh duck eggs are a delicacy, slightly larger than chicken eggs and above all very tasty.