Bio Bauernhof in der Toskana Italien

Organic farm in Italy, where Tuscany is still authentic

Our holiday home in Italy includes a small organic farm. As most of the tradi­tio­nal farms in Tuscany, we grow organic wine and produce an exqui­site organic olive oil. Of course, the vegeta­bles we use in our restaurant come from the kitchen garden adjacent to the farmhouse. Further­more, in our herb garden grow various kitchen herbs, so indis­pensable in the cuisine of Tuscany. We also breed Hanover­ian horses and produce organic eggs from free-range happy chickens.

Biotope around the organic farm

A part of our farmland is left to nature, as a human-indepen­dent biotope in the form of forest and macchia. Thanks to our good horse manure, we manage comple­tely without artifi­cial ferti­liza­tion. In addition, no chemi­cals are employed in pest control. All the more, we atten­tively care about our viney­ard and olive grove. Depen­ding on the seaso­nal work, we are happy to give guests of our Agritu­rismo a deeper insight into organic farming in Italy.

Bauernhof Toskana Traktor und Kinder

Organic farm in Italy, where Tuscany is still authentic

Our holiday home in Italy includes a small organic farm. As most of the tradi­tio­nal farms in Tuscany, we grow organic wine and produce an exqui­site organic olive oil. Of course, the vegeta­bles we use in our restaurant come from the kitchen garden adjacent to the farmhouse. Further­more, in our herb garden grow various kitchen herbs, so indis­pensable in the cuisine of Tuscany. We also breed Hanover­ian horses and produce organic eggs from free-range happy chickens.

A part of our farmland is left to nature, as a human-indepen­dent biotope in the form of forest and macchia. Thanks to our good horse manure, we manage comple­tely without artifi­cial ferti­liza­tion. In addition, no chemi­cals are employed in pest control. All the more, we atten­tively care about our viney­ard and olive grove. Depen­ding on the seaso­nal work, we are happy to give guests of our Agritu­rismo a deeper insight into organic farming in Italy.