Ferienhaus Toskana mit Pool

Holiday Home with infinity pool in Tuscany / Italy

The specta­cu­lar infinity pool is less than 15 steps away from the holiday home. Our guests love to simply relax there and float on air mattres­ses. They enjoy the sun’s rays on their skin and listen to the gentle sound of the water­fall at the end of the pool. For child­ren and the young inside, our pool is the perfect place to refresh and romp around. In addition, with its 12 x 6 m, it is large enough for sporty swimmers.

The pool pays homage to beautiful Italy and contri­bu­tes to the design of the garden and the panorama, with its breath­ta­king view of the rolling hills around Volterra. Indeed it is a kind of picture frame that highlights the beauty of the typical Tuscan landscape. That is why it does not snub. Instead, it frames the colours and shapes of Tuscany harmo­niously, as if painted by a soft brush.

Soothing river stones

Authen­tic local materi­als were used in the design of the pool. For instance, its borders are paved with flat river stones from the Berignone Natural Park at the foot of the Podere Palazzone holiday home. Young, light-colou­red limes­to­nes from the Pliocene (4 million years ago) alter­nate with darker, partly greenish patter­ned gabbros. In between, wine-red radio­li­tes of oceanic origin. You easily feel the soothing power of these stones from the Juras­sic period (150 — 200 million years ago). Especi­ally when you lie on the stones the early evening hours and absorb the heat of the sun stored in the stones during the day.

Ferienhaus mit Pool Toskana Landschaft Hügel mit Nebel

Holiday home with infinity pool in Tuscany / Italy

The specta­cu­lar infinity pool is less than 15 steps away from the holiday home. Our guests love to simply relax there and float on air mattres­ses. They enjoy the sun’s rays on their skin and listen to the gentle sound of the water­fall at the end of the pool. For child­ren and the young inside, our pool is the perfect place to refresh and romp around. In addition, with its 12 x 6 m, it is large enough for sporty swimmers.

The pool pays homage to beautiful Italy and contri­bu­tes to the design of the garden and the panorama, with its breath­ta­king view of the rolling hills around Volterra. Indeed it is a kind of picture frame that highlights the beauty of the typical Tuscan landscape. That is why it does not snub. Instead, it frames the colours and shapes of Tuscany harmo­niously, as if painted by a soft brush.

Authen­tic local materi­als were used in the design of the pool. For instance, its borders are paved with flat river stones from the Berignone Natural Park at the foot of the Podere Palazzone holiday home. Young, light-colou­red limes­to­nes from the Pliocene (4 million years ago) alter­nate with darker, partly greenish patter­ned gabbros. In between, wine-red radio­li­tes of oceanic origin. You easily feel the soothing power of these stones from the Juras­sic period (150 — 200 million years ago). Especi­ally when you lie on the stones the early evening hours and absorb the heat of the sun stored during the day.