Ferienwohnung Toskana auf dem Bauernhof Zimmer

Holiday apartments in Tuscany / Italy with special atmosphere

Our Agritu­rismo in Italy has four holiday apart­ments named after typical trees of Tuscany: Leccio, Ginepro, Cipresso and Quercia. In every holiday apart­ment, without renoun­cing all usual comforts, you immedia­tely feel like back to medieval times. Indeed, the origi­nal terra­cotta vaulted ceilings on the ground floor unmist­aka­bly bear the signa­ture of the late Middle Ages in Italy. A diffe­rent vault construc­tion techni­que was used in each room, which makes especi­ally the large loft-like apart­ment Ginepro so parti­cu­lar. The ceiling on the upper floor holiday apart­ment is made of the tradi­tio­nal cotto-wood construc­tion, typical for Tuscany. The walls, which are up to 1.5 m thick, convey a feeling of “home sweet home”. Moreo­ver, they ensure a pleasant room-climate in both summer and winter. Each room is painted in a diffe­rent colour. In fact, in earlier times, in Tuscany, lime paint was mixed with natural colour pigments such as Terre di Siena. This gives the walls the typical irregu­la­rity and cosiness.

Holiday apartment “Leccio”

  • Size 50 m²
  • Bedroom with double bed
  • Bedroom with two single beds (additio­nal bed on request)
  • Living/dining room with cooking facility and dining table
  • Kitchen equip­ment fridge, sink, hotpla­tes, micro­wave, crockery
  • Private bathroom with WC and shower
  • Lovely furnis­hed in Tuscan country-style, partly with antique furniture
  • Cotto vaulted ceiling and antique cotto-wood ceiling
  • In former times these rooms were the farmhouse’s granary
  • Geother­mal electri­city, heating and hot water from the “Valle del Diavolo”
  • On the ground floor with direct access to the park with dining table in the shade of ancient oaks, lawn and infin­tiy pool
  • View on the hills of the Upper Cecina Valley, with olive groves and wine yards, the Etruscan town of Volterra and the Natural Reserve “Foresta di Berignone”

At holiday home Podere Palazzone we offer the indivi­dual flexi­bi­lity that you expect from a stress-free holiday. Indeed, here you can book holiday apart­ments in Tuscany with the option that best suits you: bed only, i.e. apart­ment rental only for self-caterers, bed & break­fast, or half-board with dinner upon reser­va­tion. Prices vary depen­ding on the number of guests, length of stay and season. They include all additio­nal costs, as well as bed linen and towels, plus final cleaning € 50.

  • Booking bed only: from 35 to 49
  • Booking b&b: from 47 to 61
  • Dinner: please visit prices restaurant

Prices are for a one-week stay of four people in a 4‑bed holiday apart­ment, per person and night, in €.

We look forward to your booking request. Tell us your wishes and prefe­ren­ces and we will be happy to supply our offer for your vacation in Tuscany.

We look forward to your message. Open the form by clicking here.

Holiday apartments with amazing view

All apart­ments have four beds. An additio­nal bed is provi­ded on request. Each apart­ment has a dining area with a kitchenette and a bathroom with shower. They are 50 or 55 m² in size, with patio doors in Tuscan country style. We are parti­cu­larly happy to have preser­ved the two origi­nal exterior doors in the Leccio apart­ment. Their wood is an authen­tic witness of the past centu­ries. The bathrooms, on the other hand, are new and functional, and some are wheel­chair acces­si­ble. WiFi is available outside and in the dining room.

The holiday apart­ments on the ground floor lead directly to the garden and the infinity pool, which is just 15 m away. From there one overlooks the surroun­ding hills and the Etruscan city of Volterra. The apart­ment Quercia on the upper floor has its own exter­nal stair­case. With its windows on three sides of the house, it is a highlight for panor­amic roman­tics, especi­ally at sunset. The wiste­ria pergola in front of the house is a popular place for our guests to relax. In parti­cu­lar in spring, when its light purple and white flowers spread a sweet smell. In summer, on the other hand, their shade keeps the holiday apart­ments pleasantly fresh.

Holiday apartment “Ginepro”

  • Size 55 m²
  • Bedroom with double bed
  • Bedroom with comfor­ta­ble bunk bed (additio­nal bed on request)
  • Living/dining room with cooking facility and dining table
  • Kitchen equip­ment fridge, sink, hotpla­tes, micro­wave, crockery
  • The rooms build one big loft, naturally subdi­vi­ded by three vaults and separa­ted by furniture
  • Private bathroom with WC and shower
  • Lovely furnis­hed in Tuscan country-style, partly with antique furniture
  • Amazing cotto vaulted ceiling
  • In former times these rooms were the farmhouse’s hay barn
  • Geother­mal electri­city, heating and hot water from the “Valle del Diavolo”
  • On the ground floor with direct access to the park with dining table in the shade of ancient oaks, lawn and infin­tiy pool
  • View on the hills of the Upper Cecina Valley, with olive groves and wine yards, the Etruscan town of Volterra and the Natural Reserve “Foresta di Berignone”

At holiday home Podere Palazzone we offer the indivi­dual flexi­bi­lity that you expect from a stress-free holiday. Indeed, here you can book holiday apart­ments in Tuscany with the option that best suits you: bed only, i.e. apart­ment rental only for self-caterers, bed & break­fast, or half-board with dinner upon reser­va­tion. Prices vary depen­ding on the number of guests, length of stay and season. They include all additio­nal costs, as well as bed linen and towels, plus final cleaning € 50.

  • Booking bed only: from 35 to 49
  • Booking b&b: from 47 to 61
  • Dinner: please visit prices restaurant

Prices are for a one-week stay of four people in a 4‑bed holiday apart­ment, per person and night, in €.

We look forward to your booking request. Tell us your wishes and prefe­ren­ces and we will be happy to supply our offer for your vacation in Tuscany.

We look forward to your message. Open the form by clicking here.

Holiday apartment “Cipresso”

  • Size 50 m²
  • Bedroom with double bed
  • Living/dining open space with two good bed sofa, cooking facility and dining table
  • Additio­nal bed on request
  • Kitchen equip­ment fridge, sink, hotpla­tes, micro­wave, crockery
  • Private bathroom with WC and shower
  • Lovely furnis­hed in Tuscan country-style, partly with antique furniture
  • Amazing cotto vaulted ceiling
  • In former times these rooms were the farmhouse’s stables
  • Geother­mal electri­city, heating, and hot water from the “Valle del Diavolo”
  • On the ground floor with private terrace and direct access to the park with lawn and infin­tiy pool
  • View on the hills of the Upper Cecina Valley, with olive groves and wine yards, the Etruscan town Volterra and the Natural Reserve “Berignone”

At holiday home Podere Palazzone we offer the indivi­dual flexi­bi­lity that you expect from a stress-free holiday. Indeed, here you can book holiday apart­ments in Tuscany with the option that best suits you: bed only, i.e. apart­ment rental only for self-caterers, bed & break­fast, or half-board with dinner upon reser­va­tion. Prices vary depen­ding on the number of guests, length of stay and season. They include all additio­nal costs, as well as bed linen and towels, plus final cleaning € 50.

  • Booking bed only: from 35 to 49
  • Booking b&b: from 47 to 61
  • Dinner: please visit prices restaurant

Prices are for a one-week stay of four people in a 4‑bed holiday apart­ment, per person and night, in €.

We look forward to your booking request. Tell us your wishes and prefe­ren­ces and we will be happy to supply our offer for your vacation in Tuscany.

We look forward to your message. Open the form by clicking here.

Antique country style of Tuscany

The holiday apart­ments are furnis­hed with tradi­tio­nal Tuscan country house furni­ture. Antique lovers will appre­ciate the chest­nut wardrobe in the Leccio apart­ment. Or the ancient books­helf from the sacristy of the nearby church of Sant’ Ippolito. Who knows how many people kneeled devoutly on the kneeler in the Ginepro apart­ment? How many genera­ti­ons may have prepared meals at the Quercia apartment’s marble kitchen table? And again, the old desk from a Tuscan house­hold and the beautiful secre­tary. The old kitchen appli­ances and agricul­tu­ral utensils on display in the holiday apart­ments tell of rural life in Italy of past times. For example, the cork bowls, the pasta press, the wooden moulds for ricotta produc­tion and the sheep bells.

All of this is combi­ned with modern style elements, such as the simple designer double bed in the Leccio apart­ment. Indeed, in each room you’ll find an own inter­pre­ta­tion of the Tuscan country style. Last but not least, the mattres­ses are pleasantly medium hard.

Holiday apartment Quercia

  • Size 50 m²
  • Bedroom with double bed
  • Bedroom with two single beds (additio­nal bed on request)
  • Living/dining room with cooking facility and dining table
  • Kitchen equip­ment fridge, sink, hotpla­tes, micro­wave, crockery
  • Private bathroom with WC and shower
  • Lovely furnis­hed in Tuscan country-style, partly with antique furniture
  • Typical cotto-wood ceiling
  • In former times these rooms were the farmhouse’s hay barn
  • Geother­mal electri­city, heating and hot water from the “Valle del Diavolo”
  • On the first floor with direct indepen­dent access to the park with dining table in the shade of ancient oaks, lawn and infin­tiy pool
  • View on the hills of the Upper Cecina Valley, with olive groves and wine yards, the Etruscan town of Volterra and the Natural Reserve “Foresta di Berignone”

At holiday home Podere Palazzone we offer the indivi­dual flexi­bi­lity that you expect from a stress-free holiday. Indeed, here you can book holiday apart­ments in Tuscany with the option that best suits you: bed only, i.e. apart­ment rental only for self-caterers, bed & break­fast, or half-board with dinner upon reser­va­tion. Prices vary depen­ding on the number of guests, length of stay and season. They include all additio­nal costs, as well as bed linen and towels, plus final cleaning € 50.

  • Booking bed only: from 35 to 49
  • Booking b&b: from 47 to 61
  • Dinner: please visit prices restaurant

Prices are for a one-week stay of four people in a 4‑bed holiday apart­ment, per person and night, in €.

We look forward to your booking request. Tell us your wishes and prefe­ren­ces and we will be happy to supply our offer for your vacation in Tuscany.

We look forward to your message. Open the form by clicking here.

Ferienwohnung Toskana auf dem Bauernhof Zimmer

Holiday apartments in Tuscany / Italy

with special atmosphere

As in the Middle Ages

Our Agritu­rismo in Italy has four holiday apart­ments named after typical trees of Tuscany: Leccio, Ginepro, Cipresso and Quercia. In every holiday apart­ment, without renoun­cing all usual comforts, you immedia­tely feel like back to medieval times. Indeed, the origi­nal terra­cotta vaulted ceilings on the ground floor unmist­aka­bly bear the signa­ture of the late Middle Ages in Italy. A diffe­rent vault construc­tion techni­que was used in each room, which makes especi­ally the large loft-like apart­ment Ginepro so parti­cu­lar. The ceiling on the upper floor holiday apart­ment is made of the tradi­tio­nal cotto-wood construc­tion, typical for Tuscany. The walls, which are up to 1.5 m thick, convey a feeling of “home sweet home”. Moreo­ver, they ensure a pleasant room-climate in both summer and winter. Each room is painted in a diffe­rent colour. In fact, in earlier times, in Tuscany, lime paint was mixed with natural colour pigments such as Terre di Siena. This gives the walls the typical irregu­la­rity and cosiness.

Holiday apartments with amazing view

All apart­ments have four beds. An additio­nal bed is provi­ded on request. Each apart­ment has a dining area with a kitchenette and a bathroom with shower. They are 50 or 55 m² in size, with patio doors in Tuscan country style. We are parti­cu­larly happy to have preser­ved the two origi­nal exterior doors in the Leccio apart­ment. Their wood is an authen­tic witness of the past centu­ries. The bathrooms, on the other hand, are new and functional, and some are wheel­chair acces­si­ble. WiFi is available in outside and in the dining room.

The holiday apart­ments on the ground floor lead directly to the garden and the infinity pool, which is just 15 m away. From there one overlooks the surroun­ding hills and the Etruscan city of Volterra. The apart­ment Quercia on the upper floor has its own exter­nal stairs. With its windows on three sides of the house, it is a highlight for panorama lovers, especi­ally at sunset. The wiste­ria pergola in front of the house is a popular place for our guests to relax. In parti­cu­lar in spring, when its light purple and white flowers spread a sweet smell. In summer, on the other hand, their shade keeps the holiday apart­ments pleasantly fresh.

Antique country style of Tuscany

The holiday apart­ments are furnis­hed with tradi­tio­nal Tuscan country house furni­ture. Antique lovers will appre­ciate the chest­nut wardrobe in the Leccio apart­ment. Or the ancient books­helf from the sacristy of the nearby church of Sant’ Ippolito. Who knows how many people kneeled devoutly on the kneeler in the Ginepro apart­ment? How many genera­ti­ons may have prepared meals at the Quercia apartment’s marble kitchen table? And again, the old desk from a Tuscan house­hold and the beautiful secre­tary. The old kitchen appli­ances and agricul­tu­ral utensils on display in the holiday apart­ments tell of rural life in Italy of past times. For example, the cork bowls, the pasta press, the wooden moulds for ricotta produc­tion and the sheep bells.

All of this is combi­ned with modern style elements, such as the simple designer double bed in the Leccio apart­ment. Indeed, in each room you’ll find an own inter­pre­ta­tion of the Tuscan country style. Last but not least, the mattres­ses are pleasantly medium hard.

Holiday apartment


  • Size 50 m²
  • Bedroom with double bed
  • Bedroom with two single beds (additio­nal bed on request)
  • Living/dining room with cooking facility and dining table
  • Kitchen equip­ment fridge, sink, hotpla­tes, micro­wave, crockery
  • Private bathroom with WC and shower
  • Lovely furnis­hed in Tuscan country-style, partly with antique furniture
  • Cotto vaulted ceiling and antique cotto-wood ceiling
  • In former times these rooms were the farmhouse’s granary
  • Geother­mal electri­city, heating, and hot water from the “Valle del Diavolo”
  • On the ground floor with direct access to the park with dining table in the shade of ancient oaks, lawn and infin­tiy pool
  • View on the hills of the Upper Cecina Valley, with olive groves and wine yards, the Etruscan town of Volterra and the Natural Reserve “Foresta di Berignone”

Holiday apartment


  • Size 55 m²
  • Bedroom with double bed
  • Bedroom with comfor­ta­ble bunk bed (additio­nal bed on request)
  • Living/dining room with cooking facility and dining table
  • Kitchen equip­ment fridge, sink, hotpla­tes, micro­wave, crockery
  • The rooms build one big loft, naturally subdi­vi­ded by three vaults and separa­ted by furniture
  • Private bathroom with WC and shower
  • Lovely furnis­hed in Tuscan country-style, partly with antique furniture
  • Amazing cotto vaulted ceiling
  • In former times these rooms were the farmhouse’s hay barn
  • Geother­mal electri­city, heating, and hot water from the “Valle del Diavolo”
  • On the ground floor with direct access to the park with dining table in the shade of ancient oaks, lawn and infin­tiy pool
  • View on the hills of the Upper Cecina Valley, with olive groves and wine yards, the Etruscan town of Volterra and the Natural Reserve “Foresta di Berignone”

Holiday apartment


  • Size 50 m²
  • Bedroom with double bed
  • Living/dining open space with two good bed sofa, cooking facility and dining table
  • Additio­nal bed on request
  • Kitchen equip­ment fridge, sink, hotpla­tes, micro­wave, crockery
  • Private bathroom with WC and shower
  • Lovely furnis­hed in Tuscan country-style, partly with antique furniture
  • Amazing cotto vaulted ceiling
  • In former times these rooms were the farmhouse’s stables
  • Geother­mal electri­city, heating, and hot water from the “Valle del Diavolo”
  • On the ground floor with private terrace and direct access to the park with lawn and infin­tiy pool
  • View on the hills of the Upper Cecina Valley, with olive groves and wine yards, the Etruscan town Volterra and the Natural Reserve “Berignone”

Holiday apartment


  • Size 50 m²
  • Bedroom with double bed
  • Bedroom with two single beds (additio­nal bed on request)
  • Living/dining room with cooking facility and dining table
  • Kitchen equip­ment fridge, sink, hotpla­tes, micro­wave, crockery
  • Private bathroom with WC and shower
  • Lovely furnis­hed in Tuscan country-style, partly with antique furniture
  • Typical cotto-wood ceiling
  • In former times these rooms were the farmhouse’s hay barn
  • Geother­mal electri­city, heating, and hot water from the “Valle del Diavolo”
  • On the first floor with direct indepen­dent access to the park with dining table in the shade of ancient oaks, lawn and infin­tiy pool
  • View on the hills of the Upper Cecina Valley, with olive groves and wine yards, the Etruscan town of Volterra and the Natural Reserve “Foresta di Berignone”