Urlaub in der Toskana was tun im Frühling

Visit authentic Tuscany / Italy in spring

At the begin­ning of March, spring announ­ces its arrival in Italy with a specta­cle of colours. Tromboni, the wild daffo­dils, herald the blosso­ming of nature. Given that the fields around holiday home Podere Palazzone are all wild meadows, they bloom parti­cu­larly colourfully. Then, the wheat, which has overwin­te­red in the fields with only a few centi­me­t­res of length, grows and replaces the beige of the fields with a delicate green. After­wards, when the first warm days arrive, you can literally hear the grain and blades of grass growing. Instead, the dominant colour in the olive groves is purple. This is due to the light lilac of the anemo­nes, then the strong lilac of the pervinca and later the fuchsia of the violetta etrusca. Around abando­ned antique farmhou­ses you will find lots of yellow wildflowers. Finally, time has come for another typical picture of Tuscany: Bright red poppies create an atmosphere around our Agritu­rismo that you only find here in Tuscany. On the other hand, the hills around Volterra are trans­for­med into a burgundy carpet of sulla, a typical Tuscan forage plant.

Stunning tree blossom

Another cause for Italy’s stunning beauty in spring is the tree blossom. At Podere Palazzone holiday home first almond trees blossom in a soft light pink, follo­wed by cherry and apricot trees. In addition, sweet scents of acacia blossoms, wiste­ria and broom in spring awaken body and mind. Also, in May, we plant the vegeta­ble garden and harvest the first wild plants. For instance, we cook the large leaves of the lunaria (Pope money) like spinach. However, the paramount delicacy is the wild aspara­gus, which requi­res nothing more than a few drops of our organic olive oil.

T‑Shirt Weather and outdoor sports in spring

In our part of Italy, tempe­ra­tures in spring range from a pleasant 17°C (March) to 23°C (May) during the day. Perfect condi­ti­ons for all outdoor sports such as hiking, horse riding and cycling. In the wild around our Agritu­rismo, it is not unusual coming across a shy wild boar sow with her fresh­lings or encoun­tering young fawns. Many well-known cycling teams love to start their training season under the Tuscan sun.

Spring in Italy, time for Dolce Vita

Every­day life returns back outdoor in spring. Indeed, spring in Italy is the time of Dolce Vita. The first lunch tables are already set outside and, in the evening, people stroll through the alleys of Tuscany’s towns. Nearby Terri­ciola, famous for wine and straw­ber­ries, hosts the Festi­val delle Fragole. Also the classic tourist magnets of Tuscany give you a warm welcome. Above all, rural villa­ges and lovely medieval towns are waiting to be disco­vered by you and your family.

Toskana Frühling im Ferienhaus

Visit authentic Tuscany / Italy in spring

Beautiful Italy in spring

At the begin­ning of March, spring announ­ces its arrival in Italy with a specta­cle of colours. Tromboni, the wild daffo­dils, herald the blosso­ming of nature. Given that the fields around holiday home Podere Palazzone are all wild meadows, they bloom parti­cu­larly colourfully. Then, the wheat, which has overwin­te­red in the fields with only a few centi­me­t­res of length, grows and replaces the beige of the fields with a delicate green. After­wards, when the first warm days arrive, you can literally hear the grain and blades of grass growing. Instead, the dominant colour in the olive groves is purple. This is due to the light lilac of the anemo­nes, then the strong lilac of the pervinca and later the fuchsia of the violetta etrusca. Around abando­ned antique farmhou­ses you will find lots of yellow wildflowers. Finally, time has come for another typical picture of Tuscany: Bright red poppies create an atmosphere around our Agritu­rismo that you only find here in Tuscany. On the other hand, the hills around Volterra are trans­for­med into a burgundy carpet of sulla, a typical Tuscan forage plant.

In May, we plant the vegeta­ble garden and harvest the first wild plants. For instance, we cook the large leaves of the lunaria (Pope money) like spinach. However, the paramount delicacy is the wild aspara­gus, which requi­res nothing more than a few drops of our organic olive oil. Also, spring in Italy is of stunning beauty due the tree blossom. At Podere Palazzone holiday home first almond trees blossom in a soft light pink, follo­wed by cherry and apricot trees. In addition, sweet scents of acacia blossoms, wiste­ria and broom in spring awaken body and mind.

T‑Shirt Weather and outdoor sports in spring

In our part of Italy, tempe­ra­tures in spring range from a pleasant 17°C (March) to 23°C (May) during the day. Perfect condi­ti­ons for all outdoor sports such as hiking, horse riding and cycling. In the wild around our Agritu­rismo, it is not unusual coming across a shy wild boar sow with her fresh­lings or encoun­tering young fawns. Many well-known cycling teams love to start their training season under the Tuscan sun.

Every­day life returns back outdoor in spring. Indeed, spring in Italy is the time of Dolce Vita. The first lunch tables are already set outside and, in the evening, people stroll through the alleys of Tuscany’s towns. Nearby Terri­ciola, famous for wine and straw­ber­ries, hosts the Festi­val delle Fragole. Also the classic tourist magnets of Tuscany give you a warm welcome. Above all, rural villa­ges and lovely medieval towns are waiting to be disco­vered by you and your family.